
C-Suite Leaders in today’s business world face an unprecedented number of challenges, from an evolving workforce to complex strategic issues. Therefore, organizations need strong and capable strategic leaders who can motivate, coach, and inspire people to do strategic work that will help ensure the organization’s success over the long term. Effective strategic leadership begins with business strategy and encompasses talent development needs and organizational culture.

Elevate your leadership approach with DataClave’s C-suite Leadership and Governance Best Practices Seminar. This program helps leaders frame the big picture while also inspiring their teams to contribute maximum value to ensure business success. Additionally, it will guide leaders to bridge the gap between strategy and performance and enable optimal outcomes for the most pressing business challenges.

Target Audience

This event is designed for staff in the NGOs, Public Sector and Private Sector entities. It is suitable for chief executive officers, chief financial officers, chief operating officers, chief information officers, chief marketing officers, senior vice presidents, and vice presidents.

The course is highly recommended to all interested professionals.


• DataClave observes ALL MOH regulations on trainings and conferences.

• We do not cancel our events after confirmations.

• All prices are net of tax PER WEEK

• Our venues and dates are flexible.

• All events run for two weeks; with the option for attendance in either WEEK or both.

• The courses can be modelled for inhouse set-ups.



  • The event will be held at Voyager Beach Resort, Mombasa
  • It is scheduled to start on 26th February 2024 To 2nd March 2024
  • Cost per head is KSH 85000